25.1 C
Addis Ababa
Monday, March 3, 2025


Abiy Ahmed and the Legacy of Grandiose Ambitions Amid Suffering

History is filled with rulers who, despite overseeing populations in distress, diverted vast resources into extravagant projects.

The Roots We Share

To be Oromo is to have unwavering solidarity with all oppressed people.

The hypocrisy of regime apologists in Oromia needs a reality check

Many institutions are complicit in this campaign but Visit Oromia stands out, as it has spared no effort in serving this regime and cleaning up its image.

Security and Prosperity not possible while Oromos & Somalis are at Odds

The public discourse needs to be tempered with an understanding of the deep bond that exists between Oromos and Somalis.

Ethiopia’s contradictory position on violence

The Ethiopian state has made it abundantly clear that it has no intention of ending the use of violence.

We can’t afford to lose Irreechaa 

"I hope that in reading this, you will feel the urgency to protect Irreechaa, an irreplaceable cultural symbol for the Oromo nation."

Dawee: Manifestations of an Oromo Prophecy 

While Somalis have at the very least preserved their language, which is a core pillar of one's identity and culture, practically every urban Kenyan Oromo, with the exception of a few, lost knowledge of their gosa, mana, or balbala. While most can understand their language, they can't speak it.

Killers of yesterday cannot bring justice today

Oromia has a long history of elites striking bargains and ordinary people suffering the consequences.

All Oromos must support the Oromo Orthodox movement

The Oromo people must unite, rally behind and support the third revolution set off by our gallant archbishops regardless of our religious background.

The “Amhara Fano” – Ethiopia’s Army of the Dead

Feelings of unspeakable grief is felt by Oromos when they see atrocities committed by the Amhara Fano.

Ethiopia’s “Other War” in Oromia

The Ethiopian empire was built on this gruesome violence in Oromia and other regions of Ethiopia.

Treating the Oromia conflict as an afterthought in Ethiopia’s civil war is wrongheaded

Maintaining stability in Oromia is necessary to ensure stability in the entire Horn of Africa.

There will be no peace in the Horn of Africa without peace for Oromos

Oromos must be represented by those they see fit to represent them.

René Lefort: “what is at stake today is the decolonisation of the Ethiopian empire.”

The only solution is to gradually move towards some kind of Ethiopian confederation or even something that would resemble what brings together the states of the European Union.

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