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Addis Ababa
Thursday, February 13, 2025

Abiy Ahmed and the Legacy of Grandiose Ambitions Amid Suffering

History is filled with rulers who, despite overseeing populations in distress, diverted vast resources into extravagant projects.

Authoritarian Urbanism in Ethiopia: Urban Redesigning as Political Spectacle

On January 25, 2025, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed made a shocking statement regarding his urban reengineering policy, commonly known as the "Corridor Project," in Jimma, Southwestern Oromia—his presumed political...

From Hope to Despair: The Deepening Marginalization and Suffering of the Afar People under the Prosperity Party

Historically marginalized under regimes from Haile Selassie to the Derg, the Afar people continue to suffer under the Prosperity Party, with limited access to infrastructure, education, and healthcare.

Abiy Ahmed and the Legacy of Grandiose Ambitions Amid Suffering

History is filled with rulers who, despite overseeing populations in distress, diverted vast resources into extravagant projects.

Authoritarian Urbanism in Ethiopia: Urban Redesigning as Political Spectacle

On January 25, 2025, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed made a shocking statement regarding his urban reengineering policy, commonly known...

From Hope to Despair: The Deepening Marginalization and Suffering of the Afar People under the Prosperity Party

Historically marginalized under regimes from Haile Selassie to the Derg, the Afar people continue to suffer under the Prosperity Party, with limited access to infrastructure, education, and healthcare.

The resurgence of Oromo culture seen through Kenyan eyes

As we say “It is not yet Uhuru” in Kenya; it is also not yet “Bilisummaa” in Oromia.

‘Oromos have been liberated’ – Abiy Ahmed’s speech in Naqamtee

"The Oromo people had endured a century of dehumanization, the use of their language banned and their rights over their land and country usurped."

Abiy Ahmed and the Legacy of Grandiose Ambitions Amid Suffering

History is filled with rulers who, despite overseeing populations in distress, diverted vast resources into extravagant projects.

The Roots We Share

To be Oromo is to have unwavering solidarity with all oppressed people.

The hypocrisy of regime apologists in Oromia needs a reality check

Many institutions are complicit in this campaign but Visit Oromia stands out, as it has spared no effort in serving this regime and cleaning up its image.

Security and Prosperity not possible while Oromos & Somalis are at Odds

The public discourse needs to be tempered with an understanding of the deep bond that exists between Oromos and Somalis.

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Asoosama Gabaabaa: Dhufa Birroolee

kitaaba ifa guyyaa arga jedhame hin yaadamnee— hanga, gaaf tokko, Birroleen argatutti.

The resurgence of Oromo culture seen through Kenyan eyes

As we say “It is not yet Uhuru” in Kenya; it is also not yet “Bilisummaa” in Oromia.

Gadaa: Symbol of Democratic and Peaceful Society

In the Guji Gadaa system it is believed that authority is received from two sources.

Silence in the face of slaughter: Ethiopia’s war in Oromia

The violence in Oromia is perpetrated largely by government security forces under the guise of hunting down the OLA.