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Addis Ababa
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ethiopia: Ethnically motivated attack leaves scores dead in Amhara

Fano militants raided Yikawo, a village inhabited by the Agew minority ethnic group in West Gonder zone of Amhara region.

Ethiopian government forces and Fano Militia killed over 5,775 civilians in Oromia since 2018, Rights Group

Oromia Support Group's (OSG) 66th report says Ethiopian government forces and Fano Militia killed over 5,775 civilians in Oromia since 2018.

Oromo scholars reject PM Abiy’s speech in Naqamte

Oromos for Justice, Security and Truth (O-JUST) rejects Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s claim that "The Oromo people have been liberated."

Walaloo: Du’een bada eega ta’e, Refaat Alareer

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Waloo fi proofessarri ogbarruu Palastain, Dr. Refaat Alareer, haleellaa xiyyaaraa Muddee, gaafa 7, 2023 Israa’el haleelteen inniif obboleessi ’saa, akkasumas obboleettiinsaa fi ijoolleenshee afur du’uunsaanii gabaafameera. Haati warraa saa, Nusayba fi ijoolleensaani lubbuun hafaniiru.

Refaat Alareer (1979-2023.)
Refaat Alareer (1979-2023.)

Dr. Alareer, bara 2007 eegalee Islamic University Gaaza keessatti jaallatama prfoeesara ogbarru fi barreeffama kalaqaa ture. Dr. Alareer, gulaala, barreessaa if qabsaawaa mirga saba Palastain ture. Abdii sabaa turuusaatu himamam. Walaloo “If I must Die” inni barreessee moggaasee, Sadaasa 1, 2023 jalqabee profaila ’saatti maxxnee muldhatu kun waan hedduu mardhumaan nama raasu dha. Anis akka armaa gadiitti afaan Oromootti hiikee, “Du’een bada eega ta’e” Jedhee moggaasuu yaaleera.

Du’een bada eega ta’e
Eega ta’ee kan koo duuti dirqama
Kan kees jiraachuun dirqama
Seenaa kootu naa himama;
Waanan hore gurgurta
Erbee huccuu xinnoo bittaa
Fowaa dheeraa itti dabalta
(Erbee adii sanatti fowaa dheera itt eegesita.)
Mucaan Gaazaa keessa jiraatu
Yeroo qollootti ija miixuu
Deebii abbaa mokota-ibidda keessa bade eeggatu
Kan nagaa hin dhaamiin godaane eenyumattu
Kan kaanii haa hafuu, qaama ‘saattu
Kan hormaa haa hafuu ofi ‘saattu;
Olkaattuu* sana; olkaattuu ati anaaf hojjette
Ol, gara qollootti balaliite
Yeroo muraasaaf maleekaan qolloo keessaa itti muldhatee
Akka fidee dhufu jaalala harkaa fudhate
Kan koo duuti eega ta’ee barana
Abdii haa fidu, gubbaa sanaa
Duuti kan koo haa ta’u seenaa.
* Olkaattu = Afaan Ingliziitiin isa “kite” jedhamu sana “olkaattuu” jedheen hiikuu yaale.

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Ethiopian government forces and Fano Militia killed over 5,775 civilians in Oromia since 2018, Rights Group

Oromia Support Group's (OSG) 66th report says Ethiopian government forces and Fano Militia killed over 5,775 civilians in Oromia since 2018.

Oromo scholars reject PM Abiy’s speech in Naqamte

Oromos for Justice, Security and Truth (O-JUST) rejects Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s claim that "The Oromo people have been liberated."

The Roots We Share

To be Oromo is to have unwavering solidarity with all oppressed people.

The Abiy Project: A conversation with Tom Gardner

Abiy is an idiosyncratic Ethiopian nationalist first.

The resurgence of Oromo culture seen through Kenyan eyes

As we say “It is not yet Uhuru” in Kenya; it is also not yet “Bilisummaa” in Oromia.